A SIX-WEEK, Customized MARRIAGE and relationship Foundations EXPERIENCE FOR individuals AND COUPLES to HAve the vulnerable, connective, and necessary conversations - so that they can build a partnership to stand the test of time 

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Engaged, just married, or years in

You're engaged, newly wed, or a good few years into your marriage - and you know you this is your forever person.

But with a hovering mother-in-law inserting her two cents into your relationship, adding kids to the picture, and elderly family members passing on, tensions can start to run high and impact your romantic relationship. 

The numbers don’t lie. 50% of couples divorce in the first two years after marriage. Other couples realize they have grown apart 5-7 years down the line. And 17% of couples don't even get married after engagement. 

As someone who values self-development through therapy, life coaching, yoga and wellness practices, and even systems for greater self-understanding like astrology, human design, Myers-Briggs, the Enneagram, etc., you're open to and willing to work on yourself and your relationship to ensure this doesn't happen to you and your beloved. 
Does this sound familiar?

Let's talk about finances, communication challenges, and changing family dynamics as loved ones enter or leave the picture.

Whether to spend $700 on a new espresso machine or spend it on a weekend away, just the two of you. Or whether you should use the money you’ve saved up for a downpayment on a house or a big wedding with all your friends and family. Or how you are planning for your children’s many, evolving needs! 

And speaking of kids - let’s not forget how the world entirely changes when they enter the picture. Or how your and your partner’s world shifts when a family member passes on. 

All of these things can lead to stress in the relationship and a breakdown of communication in an intimate relationship container, as we're navigating the big changes around us and how we have changed as a result. 
Maybe you've done your best to communicate with each other about the situations as they arise - but find you're not really getting anywhere near solving the problem.

Or maybe you're not really sharing how you're feeling at all. Maybe you find that you're having the same argument over and over again and feel so exhausted by it all, or maybe you're avoiding expressing how disconnected you feel from your partner since you haven't taken a couples weekend away together in quite a while because you know they've been super stressed out at work.

But not expressing how you feel is eating away at you from the inside.

(And here's the thing - it's slowing eating away at your relationship, too.)

What you need to do to solve the problem is learn how to be yourself and live your truth in relationship, no matter what circumstances come your way.

What this really means is understanding as a baseline that your happy marriage requires that you get to know who you are as an individual as you grow and change over the years - 

And from that place, learn better communication skills around what you want in your marriage container, learn how to talk about money issues, how to talk about family dynamics, etc. 

Because the only constant in life is change...

What you need to do to solve the problem is learn how to be yourself and live your truth in relationship, no matter what circumstances come your way.

What this really means is understanding as a baseline that your happy marriage requires that you get to know who you are as an individual as you grow and change over the years - 

And from that place, learn better communication skills around what you want in your marriage container, learn how to talk about money issues, how to talk about family dynamics, etc. 

Because the only constant in life is change...

And you want Your Marriage to last forever.

And you want your marriage to last forever.









A completely unique, six-week, non-secular marriage Foundations container designed to support and strengthen Individuals' and couples' relational, vulnerability, and connection skills while navigating some of married life's biggest transitions and touch points.

This experience teaches you and your forever partner: 




A knowledge of shared legal, financial, and healthcare responsibilities of marriage that can lead to some of the greatest relational challenges, such as - what to do when your parents or your partner's parents need medical care or to move in with you; whether you'd like to to protect your partner from your own debts, or insulate your partner from liability if you have your own business and are ever sued; etc.
How to truly connect and communicate with one another by learning foundational relationship skills education and more advanced “shadow” or "parts" work that facilitates self-knowledge on a deeper level and the ability to identify patterns in common conflicts in your existing relationship (so that you know how to avoid them in the future);
How to find agreed-upon solutions to shared marital challenges, such as how to hold boundaries with your own family and in-laws; how to spend money in a way that honors both of your individual and collective desires; or how to support one another in showing up in a way that honors your relationships with their nuclear family while continuing to prioritize your relationship; etc. 



Through learning relationship skills and engaging in "parts" work to better understand and resolve relational conflict, you and your partner will feel closer to one another than ever before. These relationship skills include relationship strategies for navigating the difficult times; "parts" work that focuses on getting to know your different cast of internal characters that are uniquely yours and your partners', and how they interact particularly in relationship conflict - and how they can help you resolve conflict with more love, grace, and healing; and, if you and your partner so choose, self-discovery modalities such as astrology, human design, yoga philosophy, etc.

Learning these skills is crucial to allow you and your partner to have a shared set of tools to evaluate and re-evaluate your evolving selves and your evolving connection throughout your marriage.


Learn the foundations in legal education around long-term topics that arise in a marriage that usually cause the most problems (and how to avoid those problems!), including traditional prenup conversations, estate and financial planning, long-term care for aging parents, spouses, and children, financial health and wellbeing, etc.


Using your new relationship skills, understanding of your "parts" and other self-discovery modalities, and understanding of legal, financial, and long-term healthcare education in hand, you and your partner will join hands in finding your own, unique solutions to 1-3 key marital challenges of your choosing. During this part of the experience, I combine my skills and expertise in relationship coaching, legal education, and mediation to guide you in discovering those solutions that are unique to your marriage - and that will make your marriage work for both of you. At the end of the experience, I will draft a pre-marriage agreement that outlines the topics we've discussed together and your agreed-upon solutions as to how you'd like to handle the big challenges that will come your way in your marriage. (PS - if you do decide to get a prenup, this experience will not only give you an educational foundation to make the decisions best for you both as a couple, but it will also save you valuable time and money you might otherwise spend learning this at an attorney's hourly rate!)


WEEK 1-2

WEEK 3-4

WEEK 5-6

In the first two weeks, we learn the relating skills to come even closer together in your marriage - from basic relating skills to encourage empathy, listening, and understanding, to getting to know different "parts" of yourself - how some of these parts might show up in conflict, and how to soothe those parts and/or bring in different parts to find connection and resolution in your relationship. 
In the next two weeks, we learn the foundations of a successful marriage, and how to have the smart conversations now to avoid the serious ones later!

The health of the marriage is dependent on having a solid understanding of these foundations, including legal and financial basics (like how money is spent, handled, saved; whether you should get a pre-nup or post-nup, etc.); 

In the last two weeks, we learn how to discover solutions to the big issues in your marriage (finances, long-term healthcare for your aging family members, kids, legal, in-law dynamics, etc.!).

With me as your guide, and your new tools from Weeks 1-4 in hand, we discuss and work through these big touchstone moments in your marriage in a way that brings even greater safety, security, and connection to your already loving relationship. I then draft a document memorializing your discussions for you to refer to and revisit at any time throughout your marriage. 

At the end of it all, you and your forever person will walk away with peace of mind that you have covered the biggest and most challenging conversations leading into a marriage, and the experience of transforming conflict into connection and building greater self-trust and trust in the relationship. Please note that I only work with a limited number of couples per cycle. If you're not able to join in one round, I'm happy to have you schedule for our next round!


  • 6 weeks of building your own relationship roadmap to navigating some of marriage's biggest legal, financial, healthcare, and relational challenges.

  • 2 to 4 hours per week (16 hours total during the 6 weeks) of live, Zoom relationship coaching, legal education, and marriage foundations and planning sessions.

  • A marriage agreement, drafted based on your specific requests and agreements regarding your married lives together.

  • A safe space to sit down and dive into the sometimes daunting conversations together - and give them the time and attention they deserve! 



As The Heart-Centered Lawyer™, a trained mediator, relationship and vulnerability coach, and certified yoga teacher, I offer a unique fusion of interdisciplinary skills to support you and your forever partner to navigate some of life's most challenging conversations with what I like to call Wise Love - the kind of love that knows the wisdom of revealing our truest, most authentic selves to allow for real connection in our own lives and in our relationships. 

The commitment you are making or have made to one another through your marriage - to prioritize, honor, and cherish one another for life - is a beautiful thing, and one of life's greatest gifts to receive. 

And yet, this major life and identity transition (from together in a relationship to together in marriage, with all of the legal, financial, familial, and long-term healthcare implications!) can feel like diving into the unknown simply because it's new. You don't know what you don't know, after all. 

My goal is to provide increased certainty around this new, culturally/legally/financially-loaded life transition by helping you and your partner get to know the unknowns heading into marriage or in your marriage so that you can fully enjoy the fun parts of your relationship without worrying about when the other shoe is going to drop. After the Wise Love experience, you and your partner will walk away with the confidence that you know the major issues that could arise AND that you'll be able to handle those challenges together - simply because you've already done so!  

With me as your guide, you have a person by your side with the mind of a lawyer, the presence and skills of a mediator and relationship coach, and the heart of a woman who fervently believes in the deepest and most long-lasting of loves. 

I look forward to getting to know you and your forever partner better. And I can't wait to support you in starting your next chapter in a way that deeply honors each of you and the marriage you're building together.  



Learn Valuable, Vulnerable communication & Connection Skills for you and your partner!

Communicating vulnerably with your partner allows for increased closeness and connection, rather than resentment and distance.

Learn how to best share and receive vulnerable conversations to strengthen your relationship and grow together with your partner in this free, 10-minute video training!

Learn the art of vulnerable, connective conversations




What's the investment?

What's the difference between working with you and working with a licensed individual or couples therapist?

Excellent question. 

First, let me clearly establish that I am not a licensed therapist, and I will never claim to be. 

Therapists, in my understanding, focus on getting to the root causes of a mental health or psychological issue. In doing so, their goal is to understand, to deep dive, and to unravel - to understand why something is the way it is, or why you are the way you are. Sometimes therapists focus on solutions, but not always.

My approach is more holistic and interdisciplinary.

I do use my skills as relationship coach - specifically through the modality of parts work - to help you better understand yourself and what is emotionally "going on" for you inside of you during vulnerable conversations with your partner.

I also use my training and skills as a mediator and as lawyer to teach you communication skills and practices on how to have vulnerable, intimate conversations with a partner - in the sharing of your feelings, in the receiving of those vulnerable feelings, and in finding solutions that work for all parties involved. 

This focus on understanding your emotions, communicating them effectively, and finding practical and implementable solutions that work for all parties is what distinguishes my unique approach from individual or couples therapy.

I'm very grateful for the contribution therapists make to the overall mental health of our society. Should you like to work with a therapist during our work together as a supplement to the experience, please know I support your choice, and I have a strong therapist network I am happy to share with you if needed. I may also suggest that you work with at therapist if, in my professional judgement, I believe that would be beneficial for you in our work together.

what is this "parts" work stuff? And how can it help me and my love in our marriage together?

So glad you asked!

"Parts" work is a type of "shadow" work, and a way to better understand how and why we find ourselves in conflict with some people, but maybe not so with others. This psychology-backed, research-based approach (that I learned from the PAIRS relationship trainings!) posits that we all have different "parts" within us - a cast of characters, if you will (or think Joy, Sadness, etc. à la Disney's Inside Out). 

Some of these characters show up when we're at work, with friends and family, and with our partner. We all have more protective and defensive parts, as well as more vulnerable, connective parts. The goal in getting to know our "parts" and our partner's "parts" is to better understand why we do the things we do when interacting with our partners - and to better understand why our partner does the things they do when interacting with us, too!

"Parts" work also allows each of us a bit of objectivity. By being able to "see" the patterns we play out in relationship by identifying which "parts" of us show up in conflict, we can then understand not just how and why it happens - but how to resolve it more easily and quickly next time.

It's a fun and friendly way to get to know some of the "darker" parts of us that make us beautifully human and who we are. Fans of the creative and scientific alike will love this approach to relating!


Great question! A few thoughts here:

  • Let's face it - a lot of lawyers can be very non-feeling and logical. After all, it is their job to solve problems and give you the best legal, logical advice possible!
  • However, with big topics like these (think: how we're going to deal with your mother-in-law when it's time for her to live with us, how are we planning to afford a house, how we will navigate in-laws and family dynamics in our lives as a couple, etc.), we often have to acknowledge and make space for a deeply emotional side of this experience (that is, big feelings that can come up, as these topics are linked to some of our deepest hopes, dreams, and desires!).
  • This is where I come in. With the training of a lawyer and a mediator, and the experience of a relationship coach and skills educator, I am uniquely situated to hold space for these emotions, to teach you how to feel and navigate them effectively within yourselves and one another, and then provide the legal educational and problem-solving support to mentally tackle these big life challenges from a place of love and wisdom. (Sharon Rooney's character from Barbie has a line here that captures my vibe: "I have no difficulty holding logic and feeling at the same time. And it does not diminish my powers, it expands them.")
  • PS - by coming to me first, you're not only going to walk away with a better understanding of the points of legal education needed to best make these decisions - but you're also going to be in a position to save some serious money with prenup lawyers if you do decide to get a prenup (because you will walk in with a basic knowledge an attorney would have otherwise taught you at their hourly rate!). 

Do we walk away with a prenup/POSTNUP or similar document at the end of the experience?

While I cannot draft you a prenup because I am not acting as one of your attorneys in this experience (as usually you need two attorneys for a prenup!), I do draft a marriage agreement that both you and your beloved can take with you into your married life together. Feel free to come back to this often - it will be a good document to update as things change (and you both grow and change individually and as a couple) in your married life!


In our calls together, you and your partner will learn relevant relationship and relating skills and tools, legal education knowledge relevant to your married or soon-to-be-married lives together, and enjoy the safe, connective space to engage in these often uncomfortable conversations with the help of a guide (me!) who can support you in finding resolution and building connection emotionally and intellectually faster when conflict arises. 

The time in the calls forms the basis of the mediated agreement I draft for you both at the end of the experience.

At the end, you will walk away feeling more connected to one another than ever, now understanding your spouse or soon-to-be spouse on a much deeper level emotionally and having built the emotional safety and smart foundation for your marriage life moving forward.

Can you guarnatee Results?

I cannot guarantee the results of your experience with me or long-term in your marriage. What I can guarantee is bringing my best on any given day to the table. What you put into this experience is what you will get out of it. Coming to the table with an open mind, an open heart, and a willingness to be authentic and vulnerable with yourselves and one another - and engage from a place of curiosity, rather than judgment - will create the conditions for the most enjoyable and successful experience.  

How do we know if this experience is right for us?

If you're a loving, engaged, newlywed, or years-in married couple who knows they want to have the smart conversations now to avoid the serious ones later - and you want to do so in a way that brings you closer together, rather than pushing you apart - this experience is for you. My joy is showing couples there are even deeper ways of connecting than you think (even when navigating the tough stuff in life). If you're still curious, let’s get to know each other better - feel free to schedule a free 30-minute consultation here


Can I do this experience On my own - even if my partner doesn't want to participate?


All payments are final and non-refundable. I do this because I want to encourage you to stay committed to one another and this process throughout its entirety - as there is so much you can get out of these conversations together with the commit to working through them.


Accepting Individuals & Couples

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