The Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community

A Bar Prep Experience Designed with All of You in Mind.

One that guides you through the Bar Exam journey by caring for your mind, body, emotions, and soul (so that you can study better, preserve your peace, and PASS the Bar Exam!).

The best part? This community goes beyond just helping you prepare for the Bar Exam.

It helps you come home to yourself so that you can become the attorney you have always dreamed of.

How do you do that? by doing the following 3 things:

1. Have A solid roadmap/Plan for overcoming the mental and emotional ups and downs inherent in the bar exam journey

2. Have Dedicated time to reflect and practice new mindset and emotional intelligence habits so they are there for you on exam day

3. Have a container to provide support and community - because having a Lawyer guide in your corner and other heart-centered law grads by your side will catapult you further, faster and bring your heart joy in the experience (which also helps you to Come back stronger each day!)  

Most Bar Exam takers think that passing requires doing things like buying all of the study materials and studying somewhere around 16 hours a day. 

And in some ways, this does makes sense. After all, you do need to learn the material and practice in order to pass the Bar Exam!

But if you're struggling to feel confident and calm - to deeply trust yourself to show up on exam day (which is totally normal since we're not taught how to take the Bar Exam in law school) -

The transformation you're looking for won't come from buying more books you'll never read or killing yourself studying day in and day out. 

- Lighten the stress, overwhelm, anxiousness, and fear you're feeling around the Bar Exam and invite in hope, peace, calm, and empowerment instead?

- Leave imposter syndrome behind and build confidence in your ability to show up for yourself and have the self-awareness to focus and make the most of your time studying (so that you actually rest, relax, and restore each day during Bar prep)?

- Be part of a supportive, uplifting community of other Bar Exam Takers with whom you can share what's on your mind and in your heart - who are there to support and encourage you, and who you can support and encourage in return?

- Really take good care of yourself during Bar prep - mind, body, emotions, and soul - and breathe easily and freely?

- Stop viewing the Bar Exam as a threat/big scary monster and see it instead for what it is - an incredible challenge and opportunity for self-growth and development?

- Know in your heart that the time you spend studying for the Bar Exam is purposeful and meaningful for your own personal self-growth and professional development, rather than feeling like your life is on hold before you become an attorney?

Then my friend, the bar exam Wellness Program & Community Is for you.

Say no more - I'm in!

Imagine if you could...

Let me tell you a secret about Bar prep...

feeling CONFIDENCE, CALM, PEACE, AND EMPOWERMENT ALL have to do with your mindset and your FEELINGS.


That's where I come in. 

The real solution is actively building self-awareness and self-trust along your bar exam journey.

Yep, this is for me!

And if your first thought is, "OMG, Dana, I don't have time/energy to do all this on my own! I need to be studying!"...

No more trying to "Just do what's best for you in bar prep" - whatever that means.

Just show up, be present, and do the work. You'll thank yourself later.

Then know this is exactly what we do inside the bar exam WEllness Program & COMMUNITY. 

I need this in my life.

Get a program overview.

The Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community





Ever thought of the Bar Exam as a radical self-growth opportunity? This yoga, wellness, and coaching experience is designed for folks taking the Bar Exam. Here you’ll have the space and freedom to work through your own, individual fears and limiting beliefs with a supportive community of Bar Exam takers cheering each other on toward success! The best part? The skills you learn here will serve you long after the Bar Exam so that you can take care of yourself as you jump into the life of a practicing attorney. 

Here's What's Inside The Program

The Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community





 The Community:
  • 4 Bar Exam Yoga & Wellness Workshops 
  • 4 Workbooks Based on the Bar Exam Yoga & Wellness Workshops
  • 4 Live, 1-HR Classes Based on the Wellness Workshops
  • Weekly 1-HR Live Journaling, Coaching, and General “Check Ins” for Accountability & Community Support
  • Weekly Educational Information and Journaling Prompts with Curated Spotify Playlists
  • A Video Library of Pre-recorded Yoga Classes for You to Practice on Your Own 
  • Community and individualized support

The VIP Experience:
  • The group program PLUS 4 additional, 1:1 calls  

The Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community





  • The Community - for you if: 1) you’re studying full-time for 10 weeks or 2) in a very supportive + flexible work environment. 

  • The VIP Community - for you if: 1) you know the group program is for you and 2) you are seeking additional, 1:1 structured support. Spots are limited - please reach out to Dana for more details.

The Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community





10-Wk Group Community (Next Round Starts MAy 2024): $1ooo PIF or 2 mo/$550

10-Wk VIP Group Community (limited spots - STARTS May 2024): $1500 or 2 mo/$825

apply now

Cristina G., Illinois Bar Passer & Attorney

PS - who is that other amazing attorney in the video? Only one of the best Bar prep essay coaches in the game! Learn more about Yohanna Romero Baca's 2-day essay workshops here.


Erin L., Florida Bar Passer & Attorney

Check out what past bar exam takers (and now attorneys!) have to say!

More Kind Words

Let Me Walk You Through The Community


Bar Exam Wellness Program & Community FAQs

Will yoga and wellness really help me pass the Bar Exam?

Ever heard the age-old advice to "just do what works for you" in Bar prep? This advice assumes you actually know what works best for you in Bar prep - which, if you're like most Bar prep takers out there, you likely don't know because no one taught you how to study for or take the Bar Exam until now. This means everything you're doing in Bar prep is new to you. 

And when everything is new to you, the key to helping you know whether you're really learning the material and getting to where you need to be each day on practice is self-awareness - a willingness to be honest, raw, and vulnerable with yourself about your journey so that you can improve. Yoga and wellness practices provide the tools to deepen your own self-awareness.

So while I cannot guarantee successful pass rates, I can tell you yoga and wellness are essential pieces of the puzzle! Here’s more on why and how

  1. Taking the Bar Exam typically comes with feelings like fear, stress, self-doubt, anxiousness, and overwhelm. And this is completely understandable—after all, the exam determines whether you’ll be able to practice as an attorney! 
  2. When we’re feeling these heavier emotions, we can subconsciously and unintentionally think thoughts that do not serve us, like “I’m not good enough/smart enough/capable enough to pass the Bar Exam.” And because of these negative thoughts, we might not be able to focus or be as productive as we otherwise would be.
  3. Additionally, when we’re feeling these heavier emotions, we can also start to take actions that do not serve our goal of passing the Bar Exam. Ever taken a break from studying to watch Netflix—only to come back to studying 5 hours later? Or how about forcing yourself to study long after you know you’re completely exhausted, so you end up reading each sentence 5 times before it makes sense? (Don’t worry, I’ve definitely done both!) 
  4. To flip from self-doubt to feelings of ease and confidence, you have to KNOW you’re going to pass the Bar Exam—and that requires getting to know yourself, your fears, and your subconscious desires and thoughts. It requires doing the internal work/going on an inward journey of self-discovery! 
  5. Yoga and wellness provides the container, the skills, and the practices to help you do that internal work for yourself - anytime you need it while you’re studying or even on the Bar Exam itself! The more you practice yoga and wellness, the better you get to know yourself and your fears. The better you get to know yourself and your fears, the better you’ll be at moving quickly to positive, supportive thoughts leading to productive actions that serve you and your goal of passing the Bar Exam. 
  6. PS - these skills and practices will also serve you long-term in your career as an attorney! 
And don’t take it from me - check out the testimonials from past students on video above and here.

I don’t have time to do yoga and wellness - I need to study to pass the Bar Exam!!

I hate to break it to you, but all that studying won’t help you pass the Bar Exam. 
  • Now, let me set the record straight. Of course I think you need to study to pass the Bar Exam - that’s important! But you’re already doing that work. 
  • And the other kind of work that’s just as important to carry you over the finish line? It’s the internal work, friend. (See Q1 above on self-awareness and working through fears and self-sabotage.)  
  • While you can 100% do this internal work by putting together a routine or program on your own, I’ve created the Bar Exam Wellness Program as a specifically-crafted yoga and wellness program that is designed to help you navigate the internal challenges you will likely encounter while you’re navigating the external challenge of the Bar Exam. When you join the program, all you have to think about is getting to know yourself better rather than how you’re going to build out your own program on your own to do that.  

What’s the difference between doing this program and joining a yoga studio while I’m studying? Can’t I get the same experience that way?

  • You’re totally welcome to join a yoga studio during your Bar study if that will support you! But joining a yoga studio and this program are not the same. Here’s why:
  • When you join a studio, typically you walk in and do the yoga class the teacher has pre-crafted for that day. When we do yoga inside of the program, I check in with how people are doing before we start our yoga practice, and then craft a customized yoga sequence right then and there specifically based on your feedback.
  • A yoga studio (likely) won’t provide any of the following:
  1. Yoga & Wellness Workshops and Journaling Prompts specifically designed to help you navigate the emotional experience of the Bar Exam
  2. Workbooks designed specifically to help you process and understand the emotional and mental side of the Bar Exam - and build a toolbox of wellness tools you can use long after the Bar Exam
  3. Recorded yoga classes you can come back to and practice on your own anytime
  4. Weekly accountability check in classes with a supportive community of Bar Exam takers just like you
  5. Access to an attorney, yoga teacher, and coach who has been in your shoes you can ask questions of and learn from! ;) 

I already work with a therapist/counselor. why do I need this program?

I'm so happy to hear you're already working with a licensed therapist or counselor! Especially during this challenging time, taking care of your mental health and wellbeing is everything.

You should know that there are key differences between working with a therapist or counselor and taking this program. While a therapist or counselor will validate your feelings and maybe leave you with action items for you to implement on your own, this program actually creates the structure and accountability for you to implement and practice your learnings around mental and emotional wellness specifically in the context of the Bar Exam journey. Plus, you have the support of other, heart-centered Bar Exam takers who are on the same journey with you in real time, which provides a sense of community that you won't find in a 1:1 therapy session. My goal as a coach, facilitator, and someone who has walked this path herself is to help with your implementation and transformation toward your goals. After all, what we do in practice is what we do on game day!

PS - I've had students work both on their own with a therapist/counselor and also be in The Bar Exam Community, with great results! So the two can go hand in hand. 

What is the time commitment for the Community?

While you can invest as much time as you want, on average:
  • You’ll spend 60-75 minutes per week (on weeks without a workshop or live workshop class)
  • 3-4 hours per week on the busiest weeks (where you watch the workshops or we have live workshop classes)

I’m interested, but I’m not sure I can afford the Community.

I understand that preparing for the Bar Exam is expensive. This is all the more reason why it’s important to invest in yourself and in a wellness program tailored to the emotional ups and downs of the Bar Exam journey. This program will help position you to mentally and emotionally perform at your best on Bar Exam days. When you invest in yourself, you invest in your success. (PS - the same tools and practices you learn in the program can support you in your life as a practicing attorney,  providing you with value long after the program is over.)

If you would like to join the program but are concerned finances might hold you back, reach out and ask me about a custom payment plan. I don’t charge more for most payment plans to make this experience as accessible as I can for you. 

I’m interested, but I’m not sure this experience is the right fit for me. 

Let’s get to know each other better, then! Feel free to schedule a free 30-minute consultation here

What kind of coaching work do you do? 

What if I fail the Bar Exam? Can I join the community again when I retake the exam?

Absolutely! I want to be of support if you believe this program was beneficial for your Bar Exam experience. If you'd like to join us in the next live round of the program, I will offer a discount for repeat program takers. ;) If you'd like to take the program at your own pace, you will retain access to the materials, so you can take care of yourself on your own time!

Why should I join this community? 

The Bar Exam Wellness Program offers a tailored approach to the unique challenges and pressure points you’ll face during your Bar Exam journey. It also teaches you skills and practices you can implement for yourself anytime, anywhere you need them (and that you can use in your future career as an attorney!). The roadmap is there for you, so all you have to do is focus on doing the work itself!