Bringing Authenticity And Connection To The Heart of Mediation For Lovers, Career Coaching For Lawyers, and Legal For Leaders.

This is a place where we embrace our fullest creative self-expression. Where we bring all of our humanity to the relationship(s) we have within ourselves and in our lives as lovers, lawyers, and leaders. 

Because you’re not here to be what someone else imagined for you. You’re here to be you.

And when you choose you, your most heart-centered life, relationships, and career paths naturally follow.

Welcome to the heart-centered revolution. 

(Marriage Preparation)



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Hi there, I’m Dana

I’m a couples and family mediator; federal trademark lawyer (licensed in DC); wellness, relationship, and self-development coach; yoga teacher; human design and astrology enthusiast; traveler; lover of people and cultures; and lifelong learner. 

Like you, I’m not just one thing. To me, a heart-centered lawyer never could be. Because putting our hearts at the center of our lives means living out our fullest, most creative expressions. 

And though I wear many hats, my goal in everything I do is simple: to act as a catalyst, encouraging others to ask the big life questions. Who am I? What do I want out of my life? What is my identity outside of my lover, lawyer, or leader label? How do I want to show up as a lover, lawyer, and leader in my life and in my relationships, now and in the future? 

Why would I do this? Because I fervently believe that the world needs us exactly as we truly and authentically are. The clearer we can become on who we are, the more we can naturally be of service, love, strength, and grace in the world in the exact ways that are needed - and the deeper we can connect and experience relationship with others. 

I welcome you and honor you on this journey of self-discovery and connection. Wherever it takes you, know I will be there cheering you on toward your most heart-centered expression. Because the world needs you, exactly as you are.

All my love,

the heart-centered lawyer

Get to Know Me

"Dana is fully committed to your personal and professional growth, while also being flexible and quick to adapt to your changing needs."

She is an inspiring mentor who embodies what she teaches and uses her experiences and resources to guide your development, whether it be in your business, law firm, or personal life.

Mariestela S.


"The Bar Exam Wellness Program was an essential part of my Bar Exam routine."

It kept me grounded, relaxed, and positive while studying. I knew the Bar Exam would be extremely stressful for me if I didn't change my mindset about the exam. After seeing Dana's positive messages on Instagram I was convinced I could benefit from being part of the program. Working with Dana helped me feel a lot more calm when preparing for the Bar Exam.

Erin L.

The Bar Exam Wellness Program

"Working with Dana has made this whole trademark so much less stressful!"

I had [trademarks] on my to do list for TOO long and working with [Dana] made it happen so much faster. It probably would have still been on my list of things to do for another year.



 My favorite part of the program was the private sessions. Dedicating time to wellness during Bar Prep is necessary to avoid complete burnout. I often struggled to set aside that time to do something for myself, so meeting for a private session made it harder to neglect. Dana was very supportive during the program, even outside of our sessions.

"The Bar Exam Wellness Program was amazing!"


The Bar Exam Wellness Program

"Working with Dana was such a smooth, easy process!"

I really appreciated how organized and detail-oriented she is...I highly recommend her for any entrepreneur wading through tricky legal waters.